Dermatológia pre prax 2/2019

Balneotherapy of psoriatic arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is the most common comorbidity of the skin form of psoriasis. The patophysiology of PsA is not fully understood and involves a complex interaction of genetic, environmental and immunologic factors. Clinical features include arthritis, entesitis, dactylitis, sakroilitis and spondylitis, but there could be extraarticular manifestation too. There are also a few case reports of atlantoaxial subluxation. PsA significantly affects the quality of life, aggravates the morbidity and mortality of patients. An important role in early diagnosis of PsA is also played by dermatologists who send the patient to the rheumatologist already at the first symptoms of PsA. The article deals with the treatment of psoriatic arthritis with an emphasis on balneotherapy.

Keywords: balneotherapy, psoriatic arthritis, psoriasis, hydrogensulfide, Smrdaky