Autoimunitné choroby kože II. Autoimunitné bulózne dermatózy // SOLEN

Dermatológia pre prax 2/2012

Autoimmune skin disease II. Autoimmune bullous diseases

Autoimmune bullous diseases belong to organ-specific disorders that may damage the skin and mucous membranes. They are associated with autoimmune answer directed to structure proteins, which interpose adhesion between epithelial cells of the skin as well as mucous membranes. Production of autoantibodies by reactive B-cells is regulated by T-cells. Autoimmune process results in link-up of autoantibodies to autoantigen following with cascade of pathological process inducing loss of adhesion of target antigens with blister formation. The group of pemphigus is characterized by specific autoantibodies directed against molecular components of desmosome adhesive complex that performs substantial connection between neighboring epithelial cells. The group of pemphigoid is characterized by specific autoantibodies directed against molecular structure of zone of basement membrane. Histophatologic examination determinates blister formation in various skin levels that allow recognizing of loss of intercellular cohesion. New diagnostic methods allow recognizing of specific characteristics of individual diagnosis.

Keywords: autoimmune bullous diseases, pemphigus, pemphigoid.