Dermatológia pre prax 2/2021

Antimalarial agents in dermatology

Antimalarial agents are very old drugs, which are used for their immunomodulatory efficacy in management of some skin disorders. Hydroxychloroquine shows a good safety profile. While used in recommended doses it may decrease a risk of retinopathies which may persist permanently. The prevalence of retinopathies is estimated for 7,5% using standard dose in 5 year period. Ophthalmological examination before initiation of therapy and annul controls may prevent development of retinopathy. Cumulative dose higher than those of 1000 g may lead to impaired renal function. Hydroxychloroquine can be used in pregnancy and has antineoplastic and cardioprotective efficacies. Article documents use of antimalarial agents in therapy of various skin disorders and good efficacy in COVID-19 infection leading to reduction of viral load.

Keywords: antimalarial drugs, hydroxychloroquine, adverse effects, retinopathy, skin disorders, COVID-19 infection