Dermatológia pre prax 3/2022

Current perspective on treating lymphoedema

Lymphoedema treatment is necessary and the sooner it is initiated, ideally at the stage of latent lymphoedema, the better are the results. The gold standard of treatment is complete decongestive therapy which includes: manual lymphatic drainage, instrumental lymphatic drainage, external compression with bandages or compression aids, supportive physical and breathing exercises, skin care, and daily routine measures. In individual cases, surgical treatment is used. Lymph taping can be employed in any treatment phase. Pharmacological treatment and psychotherapy are of a supportive nature. The purpose of complete decongestive therapy is to increase lymph resorption and transport, stimulate extralymphatic protein degradation, and stimulate fibrinolysis by tissue macrophages. The goals of complete decongestive therapy are reduction in the volume of the body part affected by oedema, weight relief, prevention of complications, improved mobility, stabilization of oedema, enhanced quality of life, and patient education. Active participation of the patient in the therapeutic programme is always required.

Keywords: lymphoedema, complete decongestive therapy, lymphatic drainage, external compression, taping