Dermatológia pre prax 3/2022

Acne fulminans – case report

Purpose: Acne is a chronic inflammatory disease of the pilosebaceous unit with varying degrees of severity, with the highest incidence during puberty. More severe types of acne affect 15% of patients. Acne fulminans is the most severe form of acne, affecting mainly males during adolescence. It manifests itself by the sudden eruption of painful nodules, abscesses, erosions, ulcerations and haemorrhagic crusts, The most common sites of acne fulminans are the back, chest and face. The disease may or may not be accompanied by systemic symptoms. The most common trigger of the disease is isotretinoin, which is the drug of choice for severe forms of acne. Drug-induced acne fulminans manifests several days to weeks after initiation of acne treatment with high doses of isotretinoin. Case report: The authors describe the case of a 12-year-old female patient who developed acne fulminans one week after starting highdose isotretinoin therapy. Conclusion: Acne fulminans is a serious scarring disease. The recommended treatment for the disease is a combination of systemic corticosteroids and isotretinoin. Prevention of isotretinoin-induced acne fulminans is the addition of an oral corticosteroid at the start of low-dose isotretinoin therapy.

Keywords: acne fulminas, severe form of acne, isotretinoin, coticosteroid, ulcerations